BPH: Know About 4 Most Effective Treatment Options!

BPH Stands for benign prostatic hyperplasia, it is a non cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland, and is also the most common benign tumor.

Most commonly BPH produces symptoms by abstracting the flow of urine through urethra. By older ages a person can experience severe symptoms that requires treatment.

Sign and Symptoms-

The sign and symptoms of BPH veries according to the cause which is by ureteral obstruction or due to any secondary changes in the bladder.

1. Obstructive symptoms

  • Dribbling in the end of urination
  • Weak urine stream. 
  • Interrupted urine flow
2. Bladder changes symptoms

  • Sudden urgency to urinate
  • Frequent urination
  • Frequent waking up at night to urinat
When BPH treatment is necessary- 

Where is is an unpredictable course of BPH in any individual . Because the symptoms can you remain constant for many years and in some of the people it may improve over time. Decisions that are regarding treatment are based on how severe the symptom is, as well as the extent of urinary tract damage and the individuals overall health. The interventions which are required depend upon the following situations - 
  • Inadequate bladder emptiness that results to kidney damage
  • Inability to urinate
  • Increase in the sensitivity of bladder
  • Bladder stones
  • Infected urine
Mostly in the individual with the moderates and terms treatment decisions are more difficult.

Most effective treatment options are -

There is a wide variety of treatment available for enlarged prostate, that includes medications invasive therapies and surgery. The treatment protocol choice depends on the several factors including size of the prostate, age of an individual, overall health.

1) Medications - 

Medication is the most common treatment for prostate enlargement that includes
  • Alpha blockers
  • alpha reductase inhibitors
  • combined drug therapy
All these medications are used ida to relax the bladder and the muscle fibres in the prostate gland that makes the urination easier. Aur thrishank prostate preventing hormonal changes responsible for overgrowth of the prostate.

2) Invasive surgery or therapy - 

These invasive surgeries might be recommended if
  • Symptoms are moderate-to-severe
  • Medication has no relief for the symptoms
  • In case of bladder stones urinary tract obstruction market me problems These surgeries include
Trans urethral resection of prostate (TURP)
Transurethral incision of prostate (TUIP)
Transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT)

Laser therapy - 

In laser therapy a high-energy laser removes aur destroys the overgrowth of prostate tissues. Laser therapy relieve symptoms and with lower risk of side effect. 

It generally contains two procedures
  • Ablative procedures - this procedure is used to vaporize obstructive prostate tissue to increase the urine flow 
  • Enucleative procedures - this is generally used to remove all prostate tissue blocking urine flow and prevent the regrowth of the tissue. The tissue that has been removed can be examined for prostate cancer.
3) Prostatectomy - 

prostatectomy is the surgical procedure that is used in removal of the prostate. This is often used in treatment of prostate cancer and BPH.

4) Prostatic urethral lift (PUL) -

In this procedure special tags are used that compress the sites of prostate and increase the flow of urine. This procedure is used in lower urinary tract symptoms. This procedure can also so be offered to individual who are concerned about treatment impact on erectile dysfunction and ejaculatory problems.

Aaradhya Uro Care is one of the best clinics for Kidney stones treatment in Indore. We have been providing Kidney transplant surgery, Urinary bladder cancer, Prostate cancer, Testicular cancer and Laparoscopic surgery in Indore at affordable price for many years. If are you looking the best urologist in Indore, so come to the Aaradhya Uro Care. Online visit https://www.drchipdeurologist.com/ for more information.

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