Urinary tract infection has became very common nowadays irrespective of the gender and age, before discussing on the above topic let's first discuss what exactly urinary tract infection is-
Urinary tract infection or UTI is basically defined as infection in any part of the urinary system- but you didn't resist him consist of ureters urethra urinary bladder and the kidneys. Most of the infections generally occur in the lower urinary tract that is in the urethra and in the bladder, when we talk about urine the urine does not contain any bacteria urine is the byproduct of the kidneys when the bacteria or the access amount of water is removed from the kidneys by the body urine is created hence urinary system carries uncontaminated urine however bacteria which are causing urinary tract infection can get into the urinary system from outside the bodies which can cause many kind of problems that are infections and inflammation.
Common symptoms of UTI:-
- Strong bed smelling urine
- Burning sensation while urination
- Pressure on the pelvis
- Pain in abdominal region and pelvic area
- Blood while urination
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Pain while sexuall intercourse
Reasons why women get more UTI than men:-
Womens are more prone to get urinary tract infection than men this is significantly a common problem in women which is up to 30 times more often than in men, but why. There are many reasons for the same from an article differences to the hormonal changes in the body and the stages of women's repertoire lifecycle these are the combinations of factor which contribute to women being more prone to urinary tract infection than men, here are some of the common points:-
1) More sensitive skin- There is more sensitive skin in women than in men The external urethral meatus in the women is mostly made up of mucosa, most of the tissue lining are inside the vagina the skin there is more sensitive and more thinner than rest of the body, as a result of this The female retro is more suspectable to bacterias causing urinary tract infection and is easily traumatized and irritated. Desensitive and irritated skin could create easy environment for the bacteria to grow potentially and cause the urinary tract infection.
2) Length of the urethra- The biggest reason that contribute to the point is the female and at me particularly when we talk about urethra urethra is a tube that carries urine out from the body by the bladder, while uritor is an exit point for the urine it is also a common site of entrance for bacteria to enter the urinary tract. Generally the female urethra is shorter in length then in men, The bacteria can easily enter the female urethra and can spread infection to the urinary tract due to the short passage.
3) Pregnancy- Pregnancy also increases the rest of urinary tract infection in women, The uterus is located directly on the top of the bladder as the uterus grow the increased weight of the uterus can lead to blockage of drainage of the urine from the bladder which can cause infection.
4) Menopause- While going through menopause there is higher suspectability to urinary tract infections, as the eating process start and especially when the eastern level drops during this time the vagina tissue become more prone to infection as it becomes thinner, to prevent this infection in menopausal phase treatment like eastern cream or pills can be given.
5) sexual activity and contraception- Women who are active sexually are prone to develop you didn't attract infection, using certain kinds of birth control devices can also be a big reason of urinary tract infection, women who are using diagrams or female condom for birth control are at higher risk of being infected.
- Maintain proper hygiene of the intimate area.
- Wash in front and back with soap and water daily
- Drink plenty of water so that frequent urination will occur and there will be continuous flush out of the bacterias
- After sexual intercourse always flash out yourself.
About explained are some of the particular reason which justifiers why women are at more risk of developing urinary tract infection than the men.
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