Why women are more at risk of delveloping urinary tract infection ?
Urinary tract infection has became very common nowadays irrespective of the gender and age, before discussing on the above topic let's first discuss what exactly urinary tract infection is- Urinary tract infection or UTI is basically defined as infection in any part of the urinary system- but you didn't resist him consist of ureters urethra urinary bladder and the kidneys. Most of the infections generally occur in the lower urinary tract that is in the urethra and in the bladder, when we talk about urine the urine does not contain any bacteria urine is the byproduct of the kidneys when the bacteria or the access amount of water is removed from the kidneys by the body urine is created hence urinary system carries uncontaminated urine however bacteria which are causing urinary tract infection can get into the urinary system from outside the bodies which can cause many kind of problems that are infections and inflammation. Common symptoms of UTI:- Strong bed smelling urine Burnin...