BPH: Know About 4 Most Effective Treatment Options!
BPH Stands for benign prostatic hyperplasia , it is a non cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland, and is also the most common benign tumor. Most commonly BPH produces symptoms by abstracting the flow of urine through urethra. By older ages a person can experience severe symptoms that requires treatment. Sign and Symptoms- The sign and symptoms of BPH veries according to the cause which is by ureteral obstruction or due to any secondary changes in the bladder. 1. Obstructive symptoms Dribbling in the end of urination Weak urine stream. Interrupted urine flow 2. Bladder changes symptoms Sudden urgency to urinate Frequent urination Frequent waking up at night to urinat When BPH treatment is necessary- Where is is an unpredictable course of BPH in any individual . Because the symptoms can you remain constant for many years and in some of the people it may improve over time. Decisions that are regarding treatment are based on how severe the symptom is, as well as the extent ...