Female Urology Conditions & How urologist Treat them
Female specific Urological Conditions and their treatment Urologists are medical practitioners specializing in the urinary system and male reproductive system. An Urologist would be able to advise you on kidney problems, urinary tract infections , bladder trouble, abnormal urination, cysts, cancer in various parts of the urinary system and also injury due to accidents. Urologist is a specialist in procedures and medicine related to urinary system. They will also be able to advise you on various surgical and non-surgical methods to treat your urological problem. It has a very common practice by women to ignore the problems related to urology. Either they are unaware of treatments or procedure that can salvage them from the problems, easily, or they are embarrassed to discus their Urology problems with doctors and in some cases even with their close family members. These problems can lead to long term discomforts and may also aggravate into serious ailments if not treated in time....